Thursday, April 19, 2007

Who wants to be millionare (slower than the show but faster than most people)

few days ago i come across this new MLM thingy.....get rich quick scheme. and since it was bring to attention by one of my old friend who i never see as the typical living on these kind of thing dude i feel inclined to see whats this thing is all about.

so turn out its a pretty making sense system of getting money from ppl u know and dun know. its basically begging, but glorified. the point is u ask money directly from people, and since its just a small amount and with a promise of making much more in return they prob wont mind giving it to you. and before u know it everybody is giving u money and u will be rich.

so how it work is pretty much u must ask a new member to join, and by joining means they have to give u money, and then in return they got membership en can ask another person to give them money and so on.

well a friend of mine insist that this is sin (tho she finally agree to join) but i disagree, i did not lie to anyone about anything. all i do is tell them exactly how this stuff work and let them think with their own tiny little brain. i never promise them to be filthy rich in no time either, i make them see that they need to work hard to ask ppl to join to be able to be rich.

so, this juts wouldn't be right if i does not promote the thing to all of u poor human out there.

ok, so go take a lookie....think it trough...join if u wanna, or not...i wont kill u over it.

just so u took me only 1day yo get back my "investment" so from now on whatever i got is a bonus

being rich shouldn't be so hard

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