Monday, January 26, 2009

a partial of a partial solar eclipse

As most of us know that today there was a solar eclipse visible from most part of south east asia, as its not everyday you can catch eclipse from your house i was pretty excited with this. At its peak the amount of sun covered by the moon will be around 58%, and thats a pretty good number as more than half the sun will be "gone", though not as near the spectacular sight as the total solar eclipse which almost everybody that ever witnessed it describe as the bestestttttt ever natural phenomenon visible from planet Earth.

well anyway, so the day started great, clear blue sky that is not an everyday occurance in medan, around 3.20pm i was up at my rooftop ready with my gears, little did i know i was only allowed to have fun for like 10-15min or so, as after that a huge blanket of cloud sweep over and taken over the whole sky for the rest of the evening, at around 5pm the cloud is so thick that the whole sun is complete gone. so here is what i able to capture...

oh btw the next solar eclipse visible from medan is on 22nd of July, but thats only a 11% obscuration rate, meaning only 11% of the sun is covered, so its a pretty lame eclipse :p

sun shiny day
(yeah i know my cam's sensor is in need of a good loving from mr.sensor cleaner)

trying to see the sun with the help of an old negative film

in action

the beginning

the greatest eclipse before the cloud ruin the whole show

and the fun is over

this guy prob sick with the cloud and decide to go watch it at outer space

anyway, here i found a pretty nice pic of the eclipse rite on the sunset

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