Sunday, July 12, 2009

cya later alligator

Been holding back to post about the crocodile breeding farm in Asam Kumbang (Medan - Indonesia) for a while because i thought i should keep building my photos collection from the place, but then i realise i will never get enough photos, so here is the post, and if i do get some new good photos from the farm you will prob see it from my facebook sometimes in teh future then.

okay, so here in Medan we got this crocs breeding farm that have been operating since 1959, from the newspaper clipping that read in the location they started out with only 2 crocs that was captured by the locals somewhere in the North Sumatera river and expanded into this big tourist attraction (by big i mean size, because the owner been struggling financially to keep the farm alive since forever) and housed around 2.500 crocs today, which consist of down-stream crocodiles (buaya muara / Crocodylus porosus) and swamp crocodiles (Tomistoma schlegelii).

The place is located around 10km from downtown Medan. entry fee is only IDR 5.000 per person + IDR 3000 for car parking. They feed the crocs around 5pm with dead chicken, so best time to visit is around this time, as many of you already know that crocodile is ambush predator and master of playing dead, so outside of the feeding time you prob wont see much happening.

alrighty, i'll let the photos speak now....

if you would like to end a life of a poor lil chick or duck you can purchase them at the location for IDR 30.000 each, you get to throw them straight to the swamp and watch the crocs fight over it. And you can always bring your own poultry, but i heard they no longer allow you to bring a dead birds for feeding anymore in fear of poisoning.

The smaller crocs are put inside this concrete basin, but one or two of the really really big one is in one of these basin too, perhaps to guarantee sighting for visitor, if they were to thrown into the swamp with thousands other we prob will never see or appreciate their size

one of the giant

the famous tail-less crocs

the swamp

meet the stars of the show

below is the feeding vaganza pics, some reader may find this pics disturbing, you have been warned.....

haaa!! apparently some of the more gory pics cant be upload due to some error of blogspot, you lucky bastards.

the other time i was there they happen to be moving some of the crocs to a different location, it present an opportunity for me to go where no other visitor ever go before, inside the swamp!!!

photo op

some of the captured crocs waiting to be load to the truck and escorted somewhere else (some rich dude somewhere in Medan wanted an exotic pet i guess)

oh well, error while uploading pics again, you don't get to see those crocs all tied up just lying there powerless anymore

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Just saying hello while I read through the posts

hopefully this is just what im looking for looks like i have a lot to read.