Turn out there were this huge halo forming around it. And as an aspiring photographer it won't do justice if i didn't snap a few.
enjoy (click on the pic for larger view)

here are some technical data for those interested:
1st of all this is 12.30 pm and the sun is shining on its full glory, no matter how fast the speed and small the aperture you use without a help of a filter you will get a wash out pic.
And since i don't own the super black ND800 i just have to make do with all the less dark ND i got, and end up with 3 filters on my lense!! which is ND4x, ND8x, and CPL!!
(ND= neutral density, which is basically a dark filter to reduce light into your lense. CPL=circular polarizer, for reducing glare and enhance blue tone in the sky)
F/11 speed was 1/60. the thick filters i used and the frontal super bright sun throw off the focusing a lil bit, so gotta focus it manually, and later or bring in the shadow in PS to show more detail and tune up the saturation a lil bit too.
1 comment:
Whoaa.. Cool!!
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