so a few friends gather up at my place and we have ourself a good barbie, a more wallet friendly BBQ this time around, i think we all learn our lesson from the last infamous 1 Million Rupiah BBQ!!
There's a big sign right on the entrance to my place that fireworks are not allowed and the security told me that the order come down straight from the state chief of police, but hey this is Indonesia, nobody give a rat's ass about what our police told, fire away!!!!
Then 15 min before midnite we wrap up and walk to the center piece of my complex where all the big action took place, people spending their hard earn money on kick ass firework, the rest of us who are too cheap to buy just stand there and watch.
Too bad we start leaving the house a lil bit too late, with all the time we need to navigate sea of people and cars and motors we didn't reach the center piece on time (for the countdown that is) so all the big firework was fired nonstop when we still not in the best spot to see, too bad as i was pretty keen on having a go at taking picture, its not as close a spectacle as those on offer in Sydney, but i'm not in Sydney anymore am i, just have to make use with whatever i got available.

Dian was unable to join us since she gotta take care of their newborn, why arwin can go out and have fun then you ask? well i guess he is just as lousy a husband as he is a go-kart racer then hahaha.
The boys going at it
Too bad we start leaving the house a lil bit too late, with all the time we need to navigate sea of people and cars and motors we didn't reach the center piece on time (for the countdown that is) so all the big firework was fired nonstop when we still not in the best spot to see, too bad as i was pretty keen on having a go at taking picture, its not as close a spectacle as those on offer in Sydney, but i'm not in Sydney anymore am i, just have to make use with whatever i got available.
Dian was unable to join us since she gotta take care of their newborn, why arwin can go out and have fun then you ask? well i guess he is just as lousy a husband as he is a go-kart racer then hahaha.
At one point we even run into a reporter from CNN!!! they are doing a live coverage of celebration around the world, and the theme for this year is "how a city without electricity celebrate the new year"
Heheh the BBQ was funnnn !! Need more food though ! Nice picture too !
aiyooo more food?? later become 1million rupiah bbq again lah
ih fireworks pictures are so jelas and good. Very nice!
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