so early in the wee hour of friday when im still "in the office" there were this two cats going about who can make the biggest furball, they sounded like Celine Dion singing with a serious case of throat infection. Btw, how do u tell the difference between a cat's cry and scream?? well either way they are on the same spookyness level.
So pissed at those 2 felixes i got out my M50 Airsoft gun to teach them some lesson about keeping it down after 12. And then something caught my eyes from my neighbour's place across the street.

It was a giant Musang !!! (i have no idea what is musang in english. anyone??) roaming around their carport like a busy little mechanic.

I run up and traded my M50 for my 20D (its a Canon camera) slowly make my way toward the house and get into position (stomach flat on the ground) since Mr.Musang was kicking it under the car.
look at his size, i cant imagine if he get his way to the house that keep a pet bird (july...ur dear pollie still there??) or rabbit outside, heck even a small dog wont be his worthy opponent

I saw a raccoon running around the big wall that separate the complex and outside world in front of my room once. And we have tons of froggy running around the area, i always see some flatten out dead froggy on the street, guess frog need to learn how to cross the street properly too.
well, welcome to the jungle
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