Saturday, December 15, 2007

the underwater city of darkness

Medan is boring, ok i know that is barely news for anyone. So boring that its been over 2 months since i last blog. And now i just get back home from spending almost 2 hour on the road, no i'm not coming back from out of town or anything, just your normal "from sun plaza and back trip". What took me so long you asked?? its the bloody flood!!!

since its raining like every goddamn day in this hell hole city with a non existent sewer system it will only took 30 minutes of rain to magically turn Medan into Atlantis. It didn't help by the fact that it was the 5pm rush hour period, its depressing enough to be on the road at that time without the flood and all.

at one point it actually took me 38 minutes to cover less than 600 meter of asphalt!!! (yes, i read the speedometer). Well, in between boredom and severe depressing i manage to find to spirit to stick my mobile phone out the window and took a few shots. enjoy.

Floating pizza hut?? only at Medan

some of the water were actually so high that it covered the entire wheels of a sedan, unsurprisingly lots of sedan broke down. You cant see those picture as i was trying to keep my car alive and in control, you don't mess around when you are driving in water that high.